Woman Wins £217,000 Damages After Suing Therapist for Sexual Assault

A woman has been awarded £217,000 in damages after successfully suing her therapist for sexual assault. The woman, identified only as AB, accused her therapist, Dr. Andrew Balfour, of abusing his position of power during therapy sessions. The High Court ruled in favor of AB, finding that Balfour had engaged in a pattern of sexual misconduct and exploited his patient's vulnerability. The court heard that Balfour had kissed, touched, and engaged in inappropriate conversations with AB during therapy sessions, violating the boundaries of their professional relationship. This judgment highlights the importance of holding therapists accountable for abuse of power and underscores the devastating impact of such misconduct on victims. It serves as a powerful reminder that therapy should be a safe space for healing and that therapists must uphold their ethical obligations.


"This case emphasizes the importance of accountability for therapists who engage in sexual misconduct and recognizes the profound harm inflicted upon victims. It serves as a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated and that survivors have the right to seek justice."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

sexual assault


Woman who sued therapist for sexual assault wins £217,000 damages - The Guardian