Alister Jack Admits Betting on Election Date

Alister Jack, the Scottish Secretary, has admitted to betting three times on the date of the next general election. The bets were placed in 2020, 2021, and 2022, and Jack has confirmed that he has already claimed one of his winnings. The revelations come after the government's chief whip, Wendy Morton, was accused of betting on the outcome of the Conservative Party leadership contest. Jack has defended his actions, stating that he is a "private citizen" who enjoys the occasional gamble and that his bets did not involve any inside information. However, critics have argued that his actions are inappropriate for a member of the cabinet, particularly given the recent scrutiny of gambling practices within the government. Jack's bets highlight a growing concern about the potential for conflicts of interest within the government, especially when it comes to gambling.


"Alister Jack's admission of betting on the election date has sparked debate about the appropriateness of such actions for a member of the cabinet. Critics argue that his bets raise concerns about conflicts of interest, while Jack maintains that his actions are a private matter."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

Alister Jack
election date
The Telegraph


Alister Jack admits betting three times on election date - The Telegraph