UK Children Shorter, Fatter and Sicker Amid Poor Diet and Poverty, Report Finds

A new report from the UK's leading health charities paints a bleak picture of the state of children's health in the country. The report, titled 'State of the Nation's Children 2023', found that children in the UK are becoming shorter, fatter and sicker, with a range of health problems linked to a poor diet and poverty. The report highlights a number of concerning trends, including: * **A rise in childhood obesity:** The report found that nearly one in three children in the UK are overweight or obese by the time they start school, and this figure rises to nearly two in three by the time they leave primary school. This rise in obesity is linked to a number of factors, including a poor diet, lack of physical activity and the increasing affordability of unhealthy food. * **A decline in children's height:** The report also found that children in the UK are getting shorter, with the average height of 10-year-old boys now lower than it was 20 years ago. This decline in height is linked to a lack of access to nutritious food and is particularly prevalent among children living in poverty. * **A rise in chronic diseases:** The report found that children are also experiencing an increasing number of chronic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. These diseases are often linked to a poor diet and lack of physical activity and are having a significant impact on the lives of children and their families. The report's authors call for a number of changes to address the challenges facing children's health in the UK. These changes include: * **Improving access to healthy food:** The report calls for greater investment in programs that provide children with access to healthy food, such as school meals and food banks. The report also calls for measures to make healthy food more affordable for families. * **Increasing physical activity:** The report calls for greater investment in programs that encourage children to be physically active, such as after-school clubs and sports facilities. The report also calls for measures to make it easier for children to walk or cycle to school. * **Tackling poverty:** The report highlights the role of poverty in children's health and calls for measures to reduce child poverty, such as increasing the minimum wage and providing more affordable housing. The report concludes that the UK is failing its children when it comes to their health and that urgent action is needed to address this crisis. The report's authors urge the government to take a number of steps to improve children's health, including investing in public health programs, addressing poverty and making healthy food and activity more accessible for all children.


"The report, 'State of the Nation's Children 2023', highlights a worrying trend of declining health among UK children, with increasing obesity, decreasing height, and rising chronic diseases. The report advocates for improved access to healthy food, increased physical activity, and tackling poverty as crucial steps to address this crisis in children's health."

Updated at: 06.20.2024



UK children shorter, fatter and sicker amid poor diet and poverty, report finds - The Guardian