The full story of Nigel Farage's visit to Welsh housing estate - Wales Online

Nigel Farage, the former leader of the UK Independence Party (UKIP), visited a housing estate in Bridgend, Wales, on Wednesday, 18 January, 2023. He was there to campaign for the Reform UK party, of which he is now leader. Farage's visit was met with protests from local residents, who accused him of trying to stir up division and hatred. Some residents threw eggs at Farage's car as he arrived, while others held up banners and shouted slogans. Farage, who was accompanied by Reform UK candidate Nathan Gill, addressed the protestors, but the event was largely overshadowed by the protests. The visit was part of a wider campaign by Farage and Reform UK to target areas in Wales which are traditionally Labour strongholds. The party is hoping to make inroads in these areas by focusing on issues such as immigration and the cost of living. Farage's visit comes at a time when the UK is facing a number of challenges, including the cost of living crisis, the war in Ukraine, and the ongoing Brexit negotiations. The Reform UK party is hoping to capitalise on these challenges by presenting itself as an alternative to the mainstream political parties. However, the party's focus on issues such as immigration and the cost of living has been criticised by some as being divisive and populist. The party's policies have also been accused of being unrealistic and unworkable. It remains to be seen whether Farage and Reform UK will be successful in their bid to make inroads in Wales. The party's future will likely depend on its ability to address the concerns of voters and present itself as a credible alternative to the existing political parties.


"Nigel Farage's visit to a housing estate in Bridgend, Wales was met with protests from local residents who accused him of trying to stir up division and hatred. Farage was campaigning for the Reform UK party, hoping to make inroads in areas traditionally Labour strongholds. The visit comes at a time when the UK is facing many challenges and the Reform UK party is hoping to capitalise on these challenges by presenting itself as an alternative to the mainstream political parties. However, the party's focus on issues such as immigration and the cost of living has been criticised by some as being divisive and populist. It remains to be seen whether Farage and Reform UK will be successful in their bid to make inroads in Wales."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

Nigel Farage
Welsh housing estate


The full story of Nigel Farage's visit to Welsh housing estate - Wales Online