Surrey police face criticism after using car to ram escaped cow

Surrey police have faced criticism after they used a patrol car to ram an escaped cow, which had been causing disruption in the village of Send. The incident, which occurred on Thursday morning, involved a cow that had escaped from a nearby farm and was wandering around the village. The police were called to the scene to help contain the animal, and they attempted to use their car to herd it back to the farm. However, the cow refused to be moved, and the police eventually resorted to ramming it with their car. Videos and photos of the incident have since been widely shared on social media, with many people expressing their disapproval of the police's actions. Some have criticized the police for using excessive force, while others have questioned their competence in handling the situation. In response to the criticism, Surrey police have defended their actions, stating that they were acting in the best interests of public safety. They claimed that the cow was posing a danger to pedestrians and traffic, and that the only way to safely remove it from the road was to use the car. The police have also stated that they will be reviewing the incident to determine if any lessons can be learned from it. The use of police cars to ram animals has been a controversial tactic in the past, with some arguing that it is a dangerous and inhumane method. However, others have defended its use, arguing that it is sometimes necessary to control animals that pose a threat to public safety. The incident in Send is likely to reignite debate over the use of police cars to ram animals, and it remains to be seen whether the police's actions will be deemed appropriate in the eyes of the public.


"The incident has sparked debate about the use of police cars to ram animals, with some criticizing the police for using excessive force and others defending their actions as necessary for public safety. The police have defended their actions, stating that they were acting in the best interests of public safety, but they have also stated that they will be reviewing the incident to determine if any lessons can be learned from it."

Updated at: 06.17.2024

Surrey police


Surrey police face criticism after using car to ram escaped cow - The Guardian