Sunak insists Tories can still win election after minister admits party could lose - Sky News

Rishi Sunak has insisted the Conservatives can still win the next general election despite a minister admitting the party could lose. The Chancellor said on Tuesday that the government has a "huge amount to do" to win back voters' trust after the recent turmoil. But he claimed that the Tories were "the only party that can deliver on the priorities" of the public. Sunak's comments came after Foreign Secretary James Cleverly admitted that the Conservatives "could well lose" the next general election. Speaking to the BBC, Cleverly said: "I'm not naive enough to think that we're not going to face a tough fight." The Conservative Party has been plagued by a series of scandals and crises in recent months, including the resignation of Boris Johnson as Prime Minister and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. A recent poll by YouGov found that the Labour Party is currently leading the Conservatives by 19 points. However, Sunak has insisted that the Tories can still turn things around. Speaking at an event in Solihull, he said: "We need to focus on the big issues that matter to people. We need to deliver on the priorities of the British people." He also said that the Conservatives were "the only party that can deliver on the priorities" of the public. "We've got to earn that trust back, and we've got to demonstrate that we're on the side of people who are working hard and trying to get on in life," he said. Sunak's comments are likely to be seen as an attempt to rally Conservative Party members and supporters ahead of the next general election, which is expected to be held in 2024. However, the party faces an uphill battle to win back voters who have lost faith in the government. The cost-of-living crisis is putting a strain on many households, and voters are increasingly looking for a change of leadership. It remains to be seen whether Sunak and his team can successfully turn things around and convince voters that the Conservatives are the best party to lead the country.


"Despite recent polls showing a significant lead for Labour, Sunak remains optimistic about the Conservatives' chances of winning the next general election. He acknowledges the need to regain public trust and emphasizes the party's focus on addressing key issues facing the British people. However, with the ongoing cost-of-living crisis and a loss of faith in the government, the Conservatives face a challenging path to victory. Only time will tell if Sunak and his team can successfully turn things around and convince voters that the Conservatives are the best party to lead the country."

Updated at: 06.19.2024



Sunak insists Tories can still win election after minister admits party could lose - Sky News