Second Tory candidate investigated over election betting

The Conservative Party is facing a second investigation into potential election betting violations. This time, the focus is on candidate Lee Anderson, who is running for the seat of Ashfield. The investigation comes after concerns were raised about a video Anderson posted online, which appeared to show him betting on the outcome of the election. While the video has since been removed, its content has raised questions about whether Anderson was in violation of the law. The investigation is being conducted by the Gambling Commission, which is responsible for regulating gambling activities in the UK. The commission has yet to release any further details about the investigation, but it is expected to take some time to complete. This investigation follows a similar one launched last week into Conservative candidate David Davis, who was also accused of betting on the election. The Conservatives have faced criticism for the allegations of betting violations, which have been seen as a breach of trust by some voters. The party has denied any wrongdoing and has stated that it is cooperating fully with the investigations.


"The Conservative Party is facing a second investigation into potential election betting violations, this time focusing on candidate Lee Anderson. The investigation follows a similar one launched last week into Conservative candidate David Davis, and raises questions about the party's conduct in the lead-up to the election."

Updated at: 06.21.2024



Second Tory candidate looked into over election betting -