Police who rammed cow did right thing, says union leader and farmer - The Guardian

A police union leader and a local farmer have defended the actions of officers who rammed a cow to death in a bid to prevent it from causing further danger to road users. The incident, which occurred in the village of Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire, sparked outrage among animal welfare groups who accused the police of using excessive force. However, the police federation chair, Andy Cox, and the farmer whose cow was killed have both argued that the officers acted professionally and were right to use the necessary force to protect the public. Cox argued that the cow was a "serious road hazard" and that the officers had no choice but to ram it. He also stated that the officers' actions were "lawful" and "justified." The farmer, who was contacted by the police after the incident, confirmed that the cow had been "running wild" and was a danger to passing motorists. The farmer praised the police officers for their "quick thinking" and "professionalism." The incident has sparked a debate on the use of force by the police and the balancing of public safety with animal welfare. It remains to be seen how the police force will respond to the criticism and whether any further action will be taken.


"The incident has sparked a debate on the use of force by the police and the balancing of public safety with animal welfare. It remains to be seen how the police force will respond to the criticism and whether any further action will be taken."

Updated at: 06.19.2024



Police who rammed cow did right thing, says union leader and farmer - The Guardian