Nigel Farage Claims West Provoked Ukraine War in BBC Interview

In a Panorama interview with the BBC, former UKIP leader Nigel Farage asserted that the West, specifically NATO, provoked Russia into invading Ukraine. He claimed that the war was the result of NATO's eastward expansion and the West's support for Ukraine's potential membership in the alliance. He stated that Russia felt threatened by NATO's expansion, considering it a direct threat to its security, and that the war was a response to this perceived threat. He also criticized the West's sanctions against Russia, arguing that they have had minimal impact while harming the UK's economy. He argued that the West should have engaged in diplomacy with Russia rather than fueling the conflict, and he expressed his belief that the war could continue for a long time with no clear end in sight. He further criticized the UK government's response to the war, alleging that they have not been honest with the public about the true consequences of the conflict. While he expressed sympathy for the Ukrainian people, he ultimately placed the blame for the war squarely on the shoulders of the West, particularly NATO.


"The interview highlighted Farage's strong stance on the Ukraine war, blaming the West for provoking Russia into action and advocating for a diplomatic solution instead of continued military support for Ukraine. He criticized the West's response to the conflict and expressed skepticism about its long-term impact."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

Nigel Farage
Ukraine War


Nigel Farage tells BBC that West provoked Ukraine war, in Panorama interview - BBC