NHS Needs £38 Billion More Annually by 2030, Think Tank Warns

The Health Foundation, a UK-based think tank, has warned that the National Health Service (NHS) will require an extra £38 billion per year by 2030 to keep pace with rising demand and address growing pressures. This figure represents a significant increase, highlighting the urgency of addressing financial challenges faced by the healthcare system. The report, titled "The NHS in 2030: Building a Sustainable Future," outlines a number of factors contributing to the rising costs, including an aging population, technological advancements leading to more expensive treatments, and increasing demand for primary and community care. The report suggests that without sufficient investment, the NHS will struggle to maintain current levels of care and may face a decline in quality and accessibility. The Health Foundation emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and resource allocation to ensure the sustainability of the NHS in the long term. The report calls for increased investment in workforce development, primary and community care, and technological innovation to meet the challenges ahead. It emphasizes the need for a proactive approach to address these challenges rather than reacting to crises. The report acknowledges that the government is already facing significant financial pressures, but it argues that investing in the NHS is essential for the well-being of the nation. It highlights the potential economic benefits of a healthy population, emphasizing the need for a long-term vision for healthcare in the UK.


"The Health Foundation's report underscores the urgent need for increased investment in the NHS to ensure its sustainability and ability to meet rising demand. The report emphasizes the importance of strategic planning and resource allocation to address the challenges ahead and build a sustainable healthcare system for the future."

Updated at: 06.21.2024



NHS will need extra £38bn a year by 2030, thinktank warns - The Guardian