Nearly 19,000 NHS patients left waiting for three days in A&E over 12 months

The Guardian reports that almost 19,000 patients in England waited for over three days in A&E departments during the 12 months leading up to June 2023. This figure marks a significant increase compared to the previous year, with the number of patients waiting over 72 hours having doubled. The report highlights the growing pressure on the NHS, which is struggling to cope with increasing demand and staffing shortages. The article cites data from NHS England, which indicates a surge in the number of patients requiring emergency care, particularly those needing admission to a hospital bed. Additionally, the article notes that many patients are waiting longer for routine procedures and operations due to the backlog caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation has led to concerns about the quality of care and the potential for patients to experience delays in receiving necessary treatment. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for the government to address the challenges facing the NHS, including investing in additional staff and resources to alleviate the growing pressure on the system.


"The growing number of patients waiting for over three days in A&E departments highlights the significant pressure on the NHS. The article emphasizes the need for government intervention to address the challenges facing the healthcare system, including staffing shortages and increased demand for emergency care."

Updated at: 06.25.2024

three days


Nearly 19,000 NHS patients left waiting for three days in A&E over 12 months - The Guardian