Mother Killed Children in Rage at Stoke-on-Trent Home, Jury Told

A jury has heard that a mother killed her two young children in a fit of rage at their home in Stoke-on-Trent. The prosecution alleges that 35-year-old Louise Port was motivated by a desire to be free from the 'burden' of her children. The bodies of three-year-old Ethan and one-year-old Darren were found at the family's flat in Stoke-on-Trent on March 1, 2019. Port had taken her children to the park earlier that day, returning home alone after 6 pm. She had researched ways to kill children, including 'how to make your children sleep forever' and 'suffocation.' Prosecutors argued that Port deliberately suffocated her children, seeking to free herself from the responsibility of caring for them. They presented evidence of internet searches made by Port, including for lethal doses of drugs and how to make a child sleep permanently. They also pointed to Port's demeanor following the deaths, including her casual attitude and lack of remorse. The defense, however, argued that Port suffers from a mental disorder that might have played a role in the deaths. They claimed she was struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety after the births of her children, and that she was unable to cope with their demands. The trial is ongoing, with the jury expected to reach a verdict in the coming weeks.


"The trial is still ongoing, with the jury expected to reach a verdict in the coming weeks. The prosecution is arguing that Louise Port deliberately killed her two children, while the defense maintains that she was suffering from a mental disorder. The jury will have to determine whether Port is guilty of murder or if her mental state played a role in the deaths."

Updated at: 06.26.2024


Mother killed children in rage at Stoke-on-Trent home, jury told - BBC