Llandudno is the premier tourist destination...to say it was dirty is an understatement

A recent visit to Llandudno by a tourist has left them unimpressed, calling it "filthy" and "disgusting". The visitor expressed disappointment, especially with the state of the seafront. They claim the town was covered in litter, with overflowing bins and general dirtiness. This experience led them to question the town's claim as a premier tourist destination. The tourist detailed their observations, mentioning the presence of dog mess and cigarette butts strewn across the beach and promenade, along with overflowing bins, and areas of litter not cleared away. Although they found some aspects of the town enjoyable, such as the Victorian pier and the pier arcade, the overall cleanliness of the town significantly impacted their enjoyment. The tourist emphasized the need for Llandudno to clean up its act, particularly if it wants to maintain its reputation as a premier tourist destination.


"This article highlights a negative experience of a tourist visiting Llandudno. The focus is on the perceived uncleanliness of the town, particularly on the seafront. The tourist expresses their disappointment and urges Llandudno to address the issue of litter and overall cleanliness to maintain its appeal as a popular tourist destination."

Updated at: 06.16.2024

tourist destination


'Llandudno is the premier tourist destination...to say it was dirty is an understatement' - North Wales Live