Labour Would Drop Guidance Banning Schools From Teaching Gender Ideology, Suggests Phillipson

Shadow Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson has hinted that a Labour government would drop guidance that prevents schools from teaching gender ideology. This guidance, introduced by the Conservatives in 2022, aimed to prevent schools from teaching materials considered to be outside the remit of the curriculum. While Phillipson acknowledges the need to ensure children are not exposed to inappropriate content, she argues that the current guidance is too broad and stifles important discussions about gender identity and sexual orientation. She proposes that a Labour government would instead focus on providing clear and age-appropriate guidance for teachers, while ensuring parents have a voice in the education of their children. This suggests a potential shift in policy regarding the teaching of gender identity in schools if Labour comes to power, moving away from the Conservative government's focus on limiting such discussions.


"Labour's potential shift in policy towards gender ideology in schools could lead to a more inclusive and open approach to these discussions. However, the exact implementation and content of such a change remain unclear, and will likely be subject to further debate."

Updated at: 06.25.2024

gender ideology


Labour would drop guidance banning schools from teaching gender ideology, suggests Phillipson - The Telegraph