Horizon IT scandal investigator tells inquiry Post Office was ‘sabotaging our efforts’

The inquiry into the Horizon IT scandal has heard evidence from a former investigator who claims the Post Office was deliberately sabotaging their efforts to find the truth about the faulty system. The investigator, who is not named in the report, accused the Post Office of manipulating evidence and deliberately delaying investigations into the IT system, which led to hundreds of subpostmasters being wrongly accused of theft and fraud. The investigator also alleged that the Post Office tried to discredit whistleblowers who attempted to expose the problems with the system. The inquiry is examining the events that led to the wrongful convictions of hundreds of subpostmasters, who were accused of stealing money from their branches. These accusations stemmed from discrepancies in the Horizon IT system, which was widely criticized for being unreliable and prone to errors. The investigator, who worked for the Post Office, said that the company showed “wilful blindness” to the problems with the Horizon system and actively worked to cover them up. They alleged that the Post Office deliberately delayed investigations into the system and manipulated evidence to discredit subpostmasters. They also claimed that the company tried to discredit whistleblowers who attempted to expose the problems with the system. The evidence provided by the investigator adds to the mounting evidence of wrongdoing by the Post Office. The inquiry is expected to continue hearing from witnesses and gather evidence over the coming months. The inquiry is also looking into the role of the Post Office’s former chief executive, Paula Vennells, who was accused of failing to take action on the problems with the Horizon system. Vennells stepped down from her role in 2019, but has denied any wrongdoing. The Horizon IT scandal has been a major source of controversy in the UK for many years. The scandal has led to hundreds of subpostmasters being wrongly accused of theft and fraud. The inquiry is expected to make recommendations for how to prevent such a scandal from happening again.


"The evidence presented by the former investigator sheds light on the systemic cover-up that took place within the Post Office, highlighting the deliberate efforts to manipulate evidence and discredit those who spoke out against the faulty Horizon system. This testimony further strengthens the case against the Post Office and its actions, emphasizing the urgency for a comprehensive inquiry and justice for the wrongly accused subpostmasters."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

Post Office


Horizon IT scandal investigator tells inquiry Post Office was ‘sabotaging our efforts’ - The Guardian