Family of student missing for 100 days offer up £20k reward for information

The family of a student who has been missing for 100 days has offered a £20,000 reward for information leading to his whereabouts. Jakub Suliwan, a 20-year-old from Poland, was last seen on 29 March in the city centre of Stirling, Scotland. Despite extensive searches by police and volunteers, Jakub has not been found. His family has now made a public appeal for help, expressing their immense distress and offering the reward. They described Jakub as a kind and caring person, popular among his friends. He is studying at Stirling University and was living in student accommodation. He was last seen wearing a black puffer jacket, dark jeans, and a black baseball cap with a white logo. The family is urging anyone with information to come forward, no matter how small. They are desperate for any news about their son and are holding onto hope for his safe return.


"The family of Jakub Suliwan, a 20-year-old student missing for 100 days, is offering a £20,000 reward for information leading to his whereabouts. They are appealing to the public for any information that might help them find their son. "

Updated at: 06.16.2024

missing student


Family of student missing for 100 days offer up £20k reward for information - The Independent