
Nigel Farage Blames West for Ukraine War

Former UKIP leader Nigel Farage has claimed that the West provoked the war in Ukraine. He expressed his views on GB News, a British television channel, arguing that NATO's eastward expansion and support for Ukraine's desire to join the alliance have been significant contributing factors to the conflict. Farage specifically pointed to the Ukrainian government's efforts to become part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as a key trigger for Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to invade. He further asserted that NATO's expansion towards Russia's borders has instilled a sense of insecurity in Moscow, fueling tensions that ultimately led to the war. Farage's statements echo the Kremlin's narrative that portrays NATO as an aggressive threat and its eastward expansion as a violation of Russia's security interests. This perspective, while shared by some, is disputed by many, who argue that Russia's actions in Ukraine are solely a result of its own imperialistic ambitions and desire to assert control over its neighbors.


"Nigel Farage's claims that the West provoked the war in Ukraine align with the Russian government's position, blaming NATO expansion for the conflict. However, this perspective is contested by many who view Russia's actions as stemming from its own aggressive intentions."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

Ukraine war
Nigel Farage
Reform UK
Vladimir Putin


West provoked Ukraine war, Nigel Farage says

The Reform UK leader told the BBC that "of course" the war was President Vladimir Putin's fault.