
UK's Richest Family on Trial in Switzerland for Human Trafficking

The billionaire Brenninkmeijer family, known for their ownership of the C&A clothing chain, is facing trial in Switzerland on allegations of human trafficking. The charges stem from the family's use of an employment agency in Romania that allegedly brought workers to Switzerland under false pretenses, exploiting them with low wages and poor working conditions. The trial, which began in April 2023, focuses on the family's knowledge and involvement in the alleged trafficking scheme, with prosecutors arguing they were aware of the agency's practices. The family denies any wrongdoing, claiming they relied on the agency's assurances about the workers' treatment. This case has raised significant attention due to the wealth and influence of the Brenninkmeijer family and the serious allegations of human trafficking against them. The trial's outcome will have implications for the family's reputation and business interests.


"The trial against the Brenninkmeijer family is ongoing, with the court expected to decide on the family's guilt or innocence based on the presented evidence. The case highlights the challenges in combating human trafficking, especially when it involves powerful individuals and corporations."

Updated at: 06.20.2024


UK’s richest family on trial in Switzerland for human trafficking

The charges all relate to the Hinduja family's practice of importing servants from India.