
UFC Hall of Famer BJ Penn Knocked Out Cold In One Of Two Bar Fights In Hawaii

BJ Penn, a former UFC champion and UFC Hall of Famer, was involved in two separate bar fights in Hawaii on August 27, 2019. The first fight involved Penn getting knocked out cold by a man named Martin, who was captured in a video of the incident. The video quickly went viral on social media, showing a bloodied Penn slumped on the floor after being punched by Martin. The second fight involved Penn being involved in an altercation with a group of people, the details of which remain unclear. However, sources close to the situation say Penn was not seriously injured in the second fight. The police arrived at the scene and investigated both fights. No arrests were made in relation to the first fight, as Penn declined to press charges. However, police are still investigating the second fight to determine if any charges are warranted. This incident has led to renewed concerns about Penn's well-being and the challenges he has been facing in recent years. It has been reported that Penn has been struggling with addiction and other personal issues, and this incident has only served to amplify those concerns.


"The incident has sparked concerns about BJ Penn's well-being and the struggles he has been facing in recent years. The police are investigating the second fight and it is unclear if any charges will be filed. The incident has served to highlight the challenges faced by athletes after retiring from competitive sports."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

BJ Penn
Bar Fight


UFC Fall of Famer BJ Penn Knocked Out Cold In One Of Two Bar Fights In Hawaii

The 40-year old had two separate altercations with the same man in Pahoa...