
Rod Stewart defends support for Ukraine after jeers on the website

Rod Stewart has defended his support for Ukraine after some online users criticized his stance. The singer, who has a Ukrainian mother, had previously expressed his support for the war-torn country, which has been invaded by Russia. In a recent interview, Stewart stated that he "couldn't understand" why anyone would not be supportive of Ukraine and that "any decent person" would stand with the country. His comments, however, sparked criticism from some online, with individuals expressing views that differed from his. Stewart responded to the criticism by reiterating his support for Ukraine and stating that he was not afraid to speak his mind. He emphasized his belief that it was important to stand up for what is right, even in the face of criticism. Stewart's stance on the conflict aligns with many global figures who have condemned Russia's actions and offered support to Ukraine. The controversy surrounding Stewart's comments highlights the polarized nature of the ongoing conflict and the differing opinions on the issue, with some supporting Ukraine and others remaining neutral or even critical of the country's stance.


"Rod Stewart's defense of his support for Ukraine highlights the ongoing debate surrounding the conflict and the diverse range of opinions on the matter. His stance has been met with criticism from some but has also garnered support from those who share his views on the situation."

Updated at: 06.19.2024

Rod Stewart


Rod Stewart defends support for Ukraine after jeers

There were boos from some fans in Germany when images of Ukraine's flag and president were shown.