
North Korea Building Border 'Wall', Satellite Images Reveal

Satellite imagery has revealed that North Korea is building a large-scale fortification along its border with China. The images, taken by Planet Labs, show a substantial wall under construction that extends for several miles in the mountainous region. The wall's purpose remains unclear, but it is being built near a heavily trafficked smuggling route, suggesting an intention to enhance border control and prevent illegal crossings. While previous reports have pointed to heightened border security measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction of this wall points to a broader effort to secure the country's borders. The wall is characterized by a combination of concrete and barbed wire fencing, resembling a traditional wall rather than a modern border fence. Its location, along a mountain pass known for smuggling, further strengthens the theory that it is aimed at combating illegal activities. Experts speculate that the wall's construction could be linked to the growing influence of China in North Korea and a potential desire to control movement across the border. However, it's worth noting that North Korea has a history of border fortifications, and the recent construction may simply reflect a continuation of existing security policies.


"The construction of a significant border 'wall' by North Korea, revealed by satellite imagery, indicates a heightened focus on border security and control. Its purpose remains speculative, but it is likely linked to a combination of factors, including the fight against smuggling, COVID-19 concerns, and potentially a desire to control China's influence. While the wall's construction is a notable development, it's important to consider North Korea's historical practice of border fortifications and avoid drawing hasty conclusions about its motivations."

Updated at: 06.22.2024

North Korea
border wall
satellite images
South Korea


North Korea building border ‘wall’, satellite images reveal

North Korea is building sections of what appears to be a wall in several places near its border with South Korea, new satellite images show.