
Louisiana Sued Over Ten Commandments Display in Schools

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has filed a lawsuit against the state of Louisiana, challenging the constitutionality of a law that allows public schools to display the Ten Commandments. The lawsuit argues that the law violates the First Amendment's Establishment Clause, which prohibits the government from endorsing or promoting any particular religion. The ACLU contends that the law creates an unconstitutional government endorsement of religion, as it specifically singles out the Ten Commandments for display in public schools. The lawsuit cites several previous court decisions that have struck down similar laws, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a separation of church and state in public education. The lawsuit also claims that the law violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, as it discriminates against students who do not subscribe to the Ten Commandments or any religious beliefs. Louisiana officials have defended the law, arguing that it simply allows schools to display a historical document that reflects the values of many Americans. They maintain that the law does not require schools to display the Ten Commandments, and that it provides ample space for alternative displays. The lawsuit is now pending in federal court, and it remains to be seen how the judge will rule on its constitutionality.


"The ACLU's lawsuit against Louisiana challenges the constitutionality of a law allowing public schools to display the Ten Commandments. The lawsuit argues that the law violates the First Amendment's Establishment Clause by endorsing religion and the Fourteenth Amendment's Equal Protection Clause by discriminating against non-religious students. Louisiana officials defend the law, arguing it simply allows schools to display a historical document reflecting shared values. The outcome of the lawsuit will determine the legal validity of the law and its implications for the separation of church and state in public education."

Updated at: 06.27.2024

Ten Commandments


Louisiana sued over Ten Commandments display in schools

Group including rabbis and pastors argue Ten Commandments law is a violation of the US constitution.