
Louisiana Orders Ten Commandments Poster in Every Classroom

Louisiana Governor John Bel Edwards has ordered that a poster containing the Ten Commandments be displayed in every public school classroom. This directive comes as part of a new law that aims to promote civic virtue and moral values within the state's educational system. The law, which was passed in June 2023, allows schools to choose from a variety of posters featuring historical documents or legal texts, including the Ten Commandments, the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution. However, the governor's order specifically mandates the display of the Ten Commandments poster in each classroom. This decision has sparked controversy, with critics arguing that it violates the separation of church and state enshrined in the First Amendment. They contend that the mandatory display of religious texts in public schools creates an environment that is inherently discriminatory and promotes religious indoctrination. Supporters of the law, on the other hand, argue that the Ten Commandments represent fundamental moral principles that are essential for a functioning society and that their display in schools will help instill these values in students. They maintain that the law does not endorse any particular religion and that it merely aims to promote a common moral framework. The controversy surrounding the Ten Commandments posters has highlighted the ongoing debate over the role of religion in public education and the interpretation of the separation of church and state principle. The governor's order has ignited passionate arguments on both sides of the issue, with advocates for religious freedom clashing with proponents of secularism and the separation of church and state.


"The mandate for Ten Commandments posters in Louisiana schools has sparked a debate over the role of religion in public education and the interpretation of the separation of church and state principle. Critics argue that the law violates the First Amendment, while supporters claim it promotes civic virtue and moral values."

Updated at: 06.21.2024

Ten Commandments
public schools


Louisiana orders Ten Commandments poster in every classroom

Law requires a poster in all public schools classrooms, up to university level, by 2025.