
Israel-Gaza war: 8 Israeli soldiers killed in Rafah, IDF says

The Israeli military (IDF) has confirmed the deaths of eight Israeli soldiers in an ambush in Rafah, Gaza, on Tuesday, 11 October. The attack involved a combination of gunfire and explosives, targeting a military vehicle. This incident marks the deadliest single attack on Israeli forces during the current conflict in Gaza. The IDF has since launched a counter-offensive in the area, with reports of heavy fighting and airstrikes. The ambush is a significant setback for Israel, highlighting the ongoing challenges of operating in Gaza. This attack has raised tensions and increased the stakes in the conflict, leading to speculation about its potential impact on future negotiations. The IDF statement said the soldiers were part of a unit operating in the southern Gaza Strip, with further details about the attack being withheld. This information has been reported by the BBC, who provided this update on the situation.


"The deaths of eight Israeli soldiers in Rafah, Gaza, represent a significant escalation in the conflict and have raised the stakes in the ongoing fighting. The IDF's counter-offensive and reports of heavy fighting indicate a potential shift in the dynamics of the war, while the ambiguity surrounding details of the attack highlights the ongoing uncertainty and complexity of the situation."

Updated at: 06.17.2024

Israel-Gaza war
Israeli soldiers


Israel-Gaza war: 8 Israeli soldiers killed in Rafah, IDF says

The soldiers were returning from an operation in Rafah when their vehicle is understood to have exploded.