
I almost died trying to get salt from the sea

This article tells the story of a man named Daniel, who, driven by a desire to create his own salt, attempted to harvest salt from the sea in a remote location. Despite having little experience in this process, he constructed a large salt pan on the beach. Initially successful, he faced a rapid change in weather conditions leading to an unexpected surge in the tide. The rising tide threatened to completely flood his salt pan, and Daniel found himself in a desperate situation, scrambling to save his equipment and belongings. The article emphasizes the importance of planning and safety when embarking on such ventures, highlighting the dangers that can arise from underestimating the power of nature. In the end, Daniel learned a valuable lesson about the importance of preparation and the need to respect the environment.


"The story highlights the importance of careful planning, safety precautions, and respect for the natural environment when attempting projects like salt harvesting. Despite the initial success, the sudden change in weather conditions and the resulting struggle for survival serve as a stark reminder of the potential dangers involved."

Updated at: 06.25.2024

sea salt harvesting
Darren Peattie

I almost died trying to get salt from the sea

Darren Peattie put everything into his dream of harvesting sea - at massive risk to his health.