
Hunter Biden Files for New Gun Trial on a Technicality

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, has filed a motion for a new trial in his gun possession case. The motion argues that the judge in the initial trial, Maryellen Noreika, should have recused herself due to a potential conflict of interest. The conflict stems from the fact that Noreika's husband is a partner at a law firm that is representing a witness in the case. Biden's lawyers argue that Noreika's refusal to recuse herself violated his right to a fair trial. The judge previously dismissed Biden's initial request for a new trial, stating that there was no evidence of bias on her part. However, Biden's legal team believes that the judge's refusal to recuse herself could have impacted the jury's decision. The case centers around Biden's guilty plea to a misdemeanor charge of possessing a firearm while being a drug user. He pleaded guilty in June 2023 and was sentenced to two years of probation. The case has attracted significant media attention, particularly due to Hunter Biden's family ties and his struggles with drug addiction. This new motion for a new trial could further prolong the legal proceedings and potentially challenge the outcome of the initial trial.


"Hunter Biden's legal team is seeking a new trial on the grounds of a potential conflict of interest involving the judge. This motion challenges the validity of the initial trial and could lead to further legal proceedings and a possible reversal of the guilty plea."

Updated at: 06.26.2024

Hunter Biden
gun trial
legal team
procedural matter


Hunter Biden files for new gun trial on a technicality

His legal team's longshot motion cites a procedural matter to challenge the basis for proceedings.