
Huge Saudi construction projects 'might get scaled down'

Saudi Arabia's ambitious construction projects, part of its Vision 2030 plan to diversify the economy, might face scale-downs due to the challenging economic environment. The country's sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund (PIF), is reportedly reevaluating projects and prioritizing those with the most potential for economic benefit. While some projects, like the futuristic city Neom, remain high priority, others might face delays or smaller scopes. These adjustments come amidst a global economic slowdown and pressure on oil prices, impacting Saudi Arabia's finances. The article suggests that the government aims to ensure long-term sustainability by focusing on projects that align with economic realities and maximize potential returns on investment. The report doesn't explicitly mention specific projects that might be scaled down, but it highlights a shift in focus towards financial prudence.


"The article suggests that Saudi Arabia is adjusting its ambitious construction plans due to global economic challenges, focusing on projects that offer the most economic benefit while ensuring long-term sustainability."

Updated at: 06.25.2024

Saudi Arabia
construction projects
funding concerns
scaled down


Huge Saudi construction projects 'might get scaled down'

Funding concerns are expected to see Saudi Arabia reduce its giant building schemes.