
Gordon Ramsay shaken after 'really bad' cycling accident

Celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay has revealed that he was involved in a “really bad” cycling accident, leaving him shaken. He shared the news on his Instagram account, posting a photo of himself with a black eye and a bandage on his head. In the caption, Ramsay stated that he was “lucky to be alive” after a “very bad crash.” He also expressed gratitude for the support he received from his family and medical professionals. Ramsay further explained that he was recovering well and was back on his feet after the incident. He concluded by urging his followers to always wear helmets while cycling, highlighting the importance of safety precautions. Ramsay is known for his demanding personality and often appears on various cooking shows. He has a successful restaurant empire and has received numerous awards for his culinary talents. This cycling accident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers involved in outdoor activities and the importance of prioritizing safety measures.


"Gordon Ramsay was involved in a serious cycling accident, sustaining injuries that included a black eye and a head bandage. He expressed gratitude for surviving the crash and urged others to wear helmets while cycling. Despite the incident, he is recovering well and back on his feet."

Updated at: 06.18.2024

Gordon Ramsay
cycling accident


Gordon Ramsay shaken after 'really bad' cycling accident

The celebrity chef stresses the importance of wearing a helmet, adding that he's "lucky to be standing".