
Gary Lineker in hot water at Euro 2024 after breaking BBC rules

Gary Lineker, a prominent BBC football pundit, has faced criticism and potential disciplinary action after making comments on social media that violated the BBC's impartiality guidelines. Lineker drew controversy by comparing the language used by the UK government regarding immigration to the language used by Germany in the 1930s. This comparison drew a significant backlash, particularly from conservative politicians who accused Lineker of making a dangerous and offensive comparison. The BBC has strict impartiality rules for its employees, particularly those in prominent positions, to ensure that their personal opinions do not influence their professional work. Lineker's tweet was deemed to be in violation of these guidelines, leading to discussions about potential consequences, ranging from a reprimand to suspension or even termination. The BBC is facing a challenging situation, as Lineker's popularity and status as a football legend make it difficult to take disciplinary action, but upholding its impartiality rules is crucial to its reputation. The situation has sparked a wider debate about the role of social media in public figures' lives and the boundaries between personal opinions and professional conduct. The outcome of the situation remains unclear, but it has undoubtedly cast a shadow over Lineker's participation in the upcoming Euro 2024 tournament.


"Gary Lineker's social media post comparing the UK government's language on immigration to Nazi Germany has stirred controversy, potentially violating BBC impartiality rules and sparking debate about the responsibilities of public figures on social media. The situation remains unresolved, but it has raised questions about the balance between freedom of expression and upholding journalistic standards."

Updated at: 06.20.2024

Gary Lineker


Gary Lineker in hot water at Euro 2024 after breaking BBC rules

The popular BBC presenter has grabbed the headlines for all the wrong reasons this summer