
Climate change: The Kenyan influencer promoting denial

A Kenyan influencer named Brian Githae is promoting climate change denial on social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram. He has amassed a large following, with over 200,000 followers on TikTok alone, and his content often features misleading claims and conspiracy theories about climate change. Githae's videos often deny the existence of global warming, dismiss the scientific consensus on climate change, and promote unfounded narratives about the causes of extreme weather events. His influence has been met with concern from experts and organizations who highlight the dangers of his disinformation. Githae's content has been described as “dangerous” and “harmful” by climate scientists, who warn that his messages could undermine efforts to combat climate change. This type of misinformation has the potential to hinder progress in addressing the issue, especially in a country like Kenya that is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change.


"Brian Githae's influence as a climate change denialist raises concerns about the spread of misinformation and its potential to hinder efforts to combat climate change. Experts warn of the dangers of his content, highlighting its impact on public perception and policymaking."

Updated at: 06.18.2024

climate change


Climate change: The Kenyan influencer promoting denial

A Kenyan farmer has caught the eye of climate change deniers worldwide. But what is driving him?