
China's Growing Influence in Putin-Kim Friendship

China is playing a key role in fostering the growing relationship between Russia and North Korea, according to experts. While Russia and North Korea have long shared a history of alliance and mutual support, their recent strengthening ties are being driven by a need to counter Western influence and bolster their respective political and economic positions. This strategic partnership is particularly concerning for the US, as it sees North Korea's potential to provide Russia with critical resources like manpower and minerals amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. China, meanwhile, stands to benefit from this alliance as it strengthens its regional dominance and fosters a more favorable geopolitical landscape. By supporting both Russia and North Korea, China can further its own ambitions of challenging US hegemony and promoting its own economic and political interests. China's influence is evident in its ability to broker deals between Russia and North Korea, facilitate trade, and encourage diplomatic exchanges. While both Russia and North Korea maintain their own agendas, their increasing reliance on China for economic and political support makes Beijing a key player in their burgeoning relationship.


"The growing friendship between Russia and North Korea is largely influenced by China, which seeks to solidify its regional dominance and counter Western influence. This alliance benefits China economically and politically, while also posing a challenge to the US's position in the region."

Updated at: 06.21.2024



China is the true power in Putin and Kim’s budding friendship

There are signs President Xi disapproves of his allies' alliance, the BBC's China correspondent says.