
Cannabis crooks dumped tonnes of soil in my bedroom

A homeowner in Nottinghamshire, UK, awoke to find tonnes of soil dumped in his bedroom, allegedly by cannabis crooks. The incident occurred after the homeowner had left his home for a few days, returning to find his property in disarray. The soil, believed to be used in an illegal cannabis grow operation, was discovered along with a power cable running from the bedroom to a nearby shed, indicating a potential electrical connection for the grow lights. Police were called to the scene and began an investigation into the incident. The homeowner expressed his frustration and disgust at the situation, highlighting the inconvenience and potential health risks associated with the soil. The police are seeking information from anyone who may have witnessed any suspicious activity in the area.


"The incident raises concerns about the prevalence of illegal cannabis grow operations and the potential impact they can have on residential properties and communities. The police are actively investigating the situation and seeking information from the public to bring those responsible to justice."

Updated at: 06.24.2024

'Cannabis crooks dumped tonnes of soil in my bedroom'

How a London family's home was rented by scammers who turned it into a large-scale cannabis farm.