
Putin Criticizes South Korea's Potential Arms Supply to Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin has criticized South Korea's potential decision to provide weapons to Ukraine, calling it a "big mistake." During a meeting with his South Korean counterpart, Yoon Suk-yeol, Putin expressed concern that such a move would escalate the conflict and harm relations between the two countries. He stated that providing weapons to Ukraine would be detrimental to efforts to resolve the conflict through diplomatic means. The meeting, held on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum in Vladivostok, marked the first time Putin and Yoon have spoken since the latter took office in May 2022. The potential for South Korea to supply weapons to Ukraine has been a source of tension between Seoul and Moscow. While South Korea has refrained from sending lethal weapons to the battlefield, it has provided humanitarian aid and non-lethal military equipment. However, Russia has repeatedly warned against any escalation of its involvement in the conflict. Putin's comments highlight the growing international pressure on South Korea to choose a side in the conflict.


"Putin's comments highlight the growing international pressure on South Korea to choose a side in the conflict. Russia has expressed strong opposition to South Korea providing weapons to Ukraine, arguing that it would escalate the conflict and harm bilateral relations. South Korea's potential involvement in providing weapons to Ukraine remains a sensitive issue, with the government facing pressure from both Moscow and Western allies."

Updated at: 06.23.2024

South Korea
mutual defense pact


'Big mistake' for South Korea to arm Ukraine - Putin

Seoul is considering sending lethal weapons to Kyiv after Russia and North Korea signed a mutual defence pact.