
Bangladesh Reels from Surge in Snake Bites

Bangladesh is facing a surge in snake bites, with hospitals overflowing and snakebite victims waiting for hours for treatment. This surge is attributed to a combination of factors, including increased flooding due to heavy monsoon rains, which forces snakes out of their natural habitat and into populated areas. Additionally, the country's limited access to antivenom, coupled with a lack of awareness about snakebite prevention, contributes to the severity of the situation. The recent floods have displaced thousands of people, who are now living in temporary shelters without access to adequate healthcare. This situation has stretched the country's already strained medical resources, leading to long waiting times for treatment and concerns about the availability of antivenom. Experts warn that the situation could worsen if timely action is not taken to address the challenges of access to antivenom, prevention efforts, and the provision of adequate healthcare facilities. The government has announced measures to combat the surge, including distributing antivenom to hospitals, launching awareness campaigns, and working to improve access to healthcare.


"The surge in snake bites in Bangladesh poses a significant health crisis. The situation is exacerbated by flooding, limited antivenom access, and inadequate healthcare facilities. Urgent action is needed to address these challenges and prevent further suffering."

Updated at: 06.24.2024

snake bites
health minister
rural areas


Bangladesh reels from surge in snake bites

The health minister orders hospitals to stock anti-venom after a wave of deadly bites in rural areas.