
Alex Jones Ordered to Sell Assets to Pay Sandy Hook Debt

Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist and founder of Infowars, has been ordered to sell his assets to help pay a $965 million judgment against him for repeatedly spreading the lie that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was a hoax. The order, issued by a Texas judge, marks a significant step in the families' efforts to hold Jones accountable for his actions. Jones was found liable for defamation in 2022 for spreading false claims about the 2012 shooting, which killed 26 people, including 20 children. The families of the victims sued Jones, claiming he intentionally inflicted emotional distress by spreading these lies. The judge ordered Jones to disclose his financial information and assets, including his homes, cars, and business interests, to a forensic accountant appointed by the court. The judge also warned Jones that he could be held in contempt of court if he does not fully cooperate with the process. While Jones has claimed that his company, Free Speech Systems, is bankrupt and unable to pay the judgment, the judge determined that Jones has the means to pay the judgment. The judge also expressed skepticism about Jones' claims of bankruptcy, pointing out that Jones continues to earn substantial income through his Infowars website and related businesses. The families' lawyers are expected to argue that Jones should be held personally liable for the debt, as he used his own name and personal reputation to spread the lies about the shooting. This could mean that Jones' personal assets, such as his homes and cars, could be seized to satisfy the judgment. This order comes as Jones faces other legal challenges, including a lawsuit from the families of the Sandy Hook victims in Connecticut. The families in Connecticut are seeking a separate judgment of $150 million for Jones' actions. The legal battles are a significant development in the ongoing fight against misinformation and the impact it can have on real-life tragedies. The families are seeking to hold Jones accountable for his actions and deter others from spreading harmful falsehoods. The judge's ruling in Texas is a major victory for the families, as it forces Jones to face the financial consequences of his actions and makes it more likely that he will be able to pay the judgment.


"The court's order to sell Alex Jones' assets marks a significant step in the families' efforts to hold him accountable for spreading false claims about the Sandy Hook shooting. This ruling, combined with other ongoing legal challenges, could force Jones to face the financial consequences of his actions and deter others from spreading misinformation."

Updated at: 06.16.2024

Alex Jones
Sandy Hook


Alex Jones ordered to sell assets to pay Sandy Hook debt

The Infowars host owes $1.5bn after courts said he defamed families of school shooting victims.